And a word on: Fatties
Had this on my mind for many years now, especially when McDonalds started getting healthy because people were taking them to court... so I want to get my say in on what I think of fat people... *** CAUTION IF YOUR FAT DONT READ THIS ***
I see it like this, there are 2 types of fat people - Firstly, the fat person who accepts there over weight and try and do something about it - I have respect for these type of people because there usually friendly, Secondly, the fat person who is over weight, gets pissed off and takes shit to court, these types piss me off.
How the hell can a fat person take McDonalds and other fast food business’s to court because they ate there product and got fat? And the scary thing is, these people (if you call them "people", there more like something Hercules would have fought in the medievil ages) get away with it, WHAT THE $#@$!!! Well you know what, if you dumb enough to eat that crap anyway and expect it not to effect your health, you deserve to be fat, so fat that you need to be lifted outta bed for a $#$#ing crane. And fat people who are like this also have this bullshit angry at everything attitude, well you can loose that shit as well fatty, because you have an eating problems and need to deal with it before taking it out on society... this really pisses me off!!!
"I'll have a large big mac meal with a large chocolate thickshack" Say please you fat piece of overweight smelly crap!
Funny stuff, couldn't agree more! Keep the madness coming!
your thoughts are hilarious. How'd you find me, just curious.
True true true
That's a very attractive picture of your mother. Don't leave your crap on my blog.
Lol I totally agree with you man, these people just need to STFU and get it through thier thick skulls that its thier own damned fault, Mcdonalds didnt shovel it down thier throats, the fat gits did it to themselves.
Great Blog!!! Very funny Shit!!
Good idea turning on the word verification. Gotta love random spam. Bird flu! Boxers! Energy drinks!
Also, thanks for the comment (although you don't have to lie and say my blog is interesting). Someday maybe I'll take the time to make it more substantial. For now, I'll stick to moblogging random pictures.
And, of course I agree with this post. I'm not fat, have never been fat, and never intend to be fat. But even if I was, I'd have the sense to blame myself for letting myself get fat. I'm from the second fattest state in the US and I know all about terrible food (though, granted, most people in the fatter states aren't fat from McDonald's but rather from Paula Dean-style cooking).
Now that was an obnoxiously long comment. With far too many uses of "fat" and its derivatives.
Pretty funny so far. Good luck.
couldn't agree more. never saw a law that obliges someone to eat - and obsessively. go and get a shrink! or assume you are fat, unattractive and adooooore eating, instead of keep pretending you don't steal food from the fridge anytime and don't know why your diet is not working. people sells poison too, but i prefer not taking them.
just one more thing. the day we were born we were given two choices: 1. have lots of sex. 2. have lots of food. people from the 2nd choice: you can't have both at the same time (unless you can pay for the first)!!!
i want to remember you guys that are always talking about, looking for and at and wanting physically amazing women. we too are looking at/for, talking about, wanting and masturbating in thinking of physically amazing men. so, take a look on the mirror, and put your egos back to the size of your cocks! I'm alergic to fat/uglly/dumb men!
It will be even funnier - I've read that they finally want to put warning on french fries, that they can cause cancer (as everything containing starch that is exposed to high temperatures)...
It's ridiculous that you put all the blame on the individual. Our society literally and figuratively shoves all this food down people's throats. We are basically forced to view fast food/junk food advertisements almost constantly until we are practically craving the crap all the time and the fact that our school systems don't have adequate p.e. courses doesn't help. We aren't taught how to eat properly or that its important to excersise. All we see is people eating supersized portions of grease and being happy while doing it. When we, as a society, start to care about each other (and not capitalism) then maybe there won't be fat people.
All that said, I think a person does have to take responsibility for their weight and not cop out and say it's McDonald's fault. But fixing our society's problems would go a long way in helping. Sorry that I went off on a rant. I'm very much against the Man and his attitudes.
P.S. I just saw that your from Australia so maybe your schools do have adequate p.e. courses. I don't really know anything about that.
nice blog man.seeing all this frustration in u comin out against fat men I think there is something 2 it.jus kidding.keep it going n keep commenting.
idiot, wasnt target at males, just anyone who is fat...
Oooh so much anger from you!!!
Yeah I agree with your comment, I'm a smoker if I get lung cancer I know IT'S MY FAULT nobody made me smoke. Ever. I'm not about to go and start suing the ass of Marlboro.
Re Val's comment, yes we are bombarded with advert of shite food, however we are also bombarded with advert of JML pet mittens (only the brits will get this one) doesn't mean I'm gonna buy one does it?
I'm a parent, my child knows that by eating shite you will feel shite, we all get a craving for something deep fried now and then (especially with a hang-over) so go with it or not. It really is up to you; but for god sake just quit this "it's not my fault' attitude.
If you have a brain - USE IT!!
My boyfriend devised the most fantastic diet and it really works.
Learn the following words
"No thank you I'm full"
Umm...Val, if you ain't got the sense to know that exercise and proper eating are important in life, i'm amazed you have the skills required to operate a keyboard. What the hell happened to responsibility and logical thought. God help us all.
Anonymous: lmao Whatever happened to responsibility and logical thought? That's a question I ask myself daily. I do know that both exercise and eating right is important. I wasn't talking about myself. Did you read my whole comment?
Me: You didn't get what I was saying. I'm not implying that there are subliminal messages making us buy junk food and we are in no way responsible for what we eat. I just think all this advertisement is geared towards kids and we grow up conditioned to be suseptable to junk food. I don't think you can use anything as an excuse though.
[see's picture] Holy sh1t!
The equation is simple: you eat more than you burn=you gain weight. You burn more than you eat=you loose weight. Since nobody is forcing me to eat junk food, the decision is mine.
I know by experience that loosing weight and keeping it away (or under control) requires a lot of determination and self-discipline.
Its' not a matter of diets (money making schemes) rthat is atemporay (not even good) solution. Is a a matter of habits and behaviour: you can change them temporarily (lost 10 puonds in 2 weeks!) but, on the long run, they come back.
So if you are fat eat BETTER (not necessarily much less) and work that ass out!! the sooner start doing it the better it is!
mambo monkey summed it all up
when i've worked in food service, i've really enjoyed the folks who order the "double mocha triple layer cake with extra frosting. and a diet coke." and a diet coke. weirdos.
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