Wednesday, September 28, 2005

And a word on: People on the Dole/Welfare

Well, I read in the paper a while back about a group of people that were protesting against the government for making them work for the dole (in America i think its called welfare)... anyway this pissed me off. Their argument was they were already under enough presure from society to get a job, that they didnt need the added stress of having to work and search for jobs at the same time. Well the hell with that... average hard working people like us who do work to pay taxes for these unemployed expect a little in return, well I know I do... so if your going to protest about having to try and find a job, then im going to protest for letting you have the dole/welfare. So whats left? well dole bludgers, would you prefere to live on the street? yea didnt think so, so shutup, get a job and make something of yourself. And anyone who uses that bullshit excuse "its harder then you think", well bullshit to that, go scrub shit off toilets if you have to, do society a favor, get a brush and start scrubbing.

Thanks for all the comments on the fat article, was interesting on seeing different opions... please let people know of this blog and leave constructive, but yet not to "SERIOUS" comments, as this is an open blog and you can say whatever the hell you wish!!!

And I would quickly like to thank Silverfox for his article on this blog, its great to see this blog getting around and open in the public, so thanks heaps mate!


At 8:46 PM, Blogger bren said...

thanks for coming by my blog. its nice to see comments. and ur entries are rather interesting as well.
australia is a nice place too.

thanks again
peace :)

At 10:08 PM, Blogger zzzz said...

We had a reporter from a newspaper who disguised himself as a bum and begged for money in big city. The amount of money he "earned" during one day was quite significant.

At 11:49 PM, Blogger Marcela said...

Interesante tu blog.

At 12:28 AM, Blogger Clarissa said...

Thanks for the feedback on my site. I hope that you take appropriate measures to control your heartbeat. There is so much to be pissed off about.

At 2:14 AM, Blogger R.J said...

hey tere. thx for dropping by mate. Ur entries are kewl... I will 100% be visiting here more often ^_^

At 2:52 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Stick them all in a big mill and get them to push a big wheel or something that will generate electricity for the country.

That way they're not being total wasters are they?

At 9:47 AM, Blogger anambotie said...

"But how are we going to get people used to being relient on the government for everthing???" The Liberal Communist whines.

At 9:50 AM, Blogger Jack said...

dirty spammer. i bet people hate you and you have a small penis for spamming other people's blogs. get a life monkey-boy.l

At 10:14 AM, Blogger Jack said...

Learn to bloody type properly and spell in OUR own English language you pleb. Nobody likes a spammer promoting their site on another blog, so try relying on poularity instead.

Remember: comments like "your blog sucks and you look like a fag...fucken brits...lamers" what a jealous american would type...because they pine for their own history and royal family. Also remember your ancestors are BRITISH you moron.

Jeez, and to think the US is the sorry to hear you represent a small majority of fools.

At 10:20 AM, Blogger Jack said...

oops you are an OZ! HA!

Bloody convict.

Still, the same applies for you lot too. Get your own history and remember you voted to keep OUR queen! haha!

At 10:34 AM, Blogger Jack said...

And you, boy, still cannot type or use correct ENGLISH grammar. Leave derogatory comments when you have a few brain-cells to assisst you, yeah?

Peace-out, Convict.

At 5:06 PM, Blogger Jack said...

hey well done to anonymous bloggers! your balls are just SOO big you have to hide who you are! haha...

one last thing:i have your IP addresses so give up losers.

At 7:02 PM, Blogger Priestys Thoughts said...

Just thought i would let you all know that silverfox loves my blog, he emailed me saying the following -

"Hi Priesty, your thoughts are great and hell funny, your such a king, im thinking about worshipping you...keep up the great work"

Thanks Silverfox, i appreciate it, but you leaving me bad comments now?

I visited his blog originally, told him it was good, i even bookmarked it and look what i get in return :(

At 10:44 PM, Blogger Jack said...

ha! you shamelessly plugged your blog on mine...sad, aint it? You're no better than the other spammers...that seem to visit your blog quite a lot too. Diddums!

At 11:54 AM, Blogger Priestys Thoughts said...

firstly thanks for leaving a good reply to the comments, unlike silverfox who is still being a little pin dick...

I do feel as thou you got me wrong, or maybe i have misunderstood you, but im glad you left a descent comment... so thanks...

silverfox your still a lame brit

At 12:46 PM, Blogger sethdub said...

In response to this, since you like/found my blog, I would encourage you to check out my post titled "a different social order" in my August archives...and especially the book it links: The Working Poor. I can't claim to know what it's like in Australia, but there are definitely certain machinations in place in America, from top to bottom, that keep hard-working people where they are without a chance for a leg up. Have a good one.

At 4:15 PM, Blogger uncle boy said...

Hello Ryan,

Thanks for visiting my blog. I already bookmark your blogs coz I like it.. :)


At 5:00 PM, Blogger wooboy1 said...

I agree totally. I have a hard time with homeless in our nation, I really do. Cause it IS so easy to get a small job. Anywho, I like to keep up with your posts.

P.s. is that fat chick real below?

At 6:54 PM, Blogger Priestys Thoughts said...

Thanks for the comment wooboy1

yea the fat is real..scary ay

go do a search on the net for fat naked ladies...hahahaha nah dont

At 4:31 AM, Blogger wooboy1 said...

we should talk more. not in a weird way, just would like to know more on your outlook on life and such.

See ya pal.

At 1:28 AM, Blogger Kt said...

i've enjoyed your blog too. i dislike the welfare abusers too.

At 4:28 AM, Blogger Michael said...

Solent Green is PEOPLE!!! The welfare system in the USA is out of control. People who need it can't get it and the people who get it don't deserve it. If you are a Seminole Indian female, tou get 3,500 dollars per child born. So you get these SSI bums marrying Seminole woman having a lot of kids and getting 15,000 per month. And oh by the way still get SSI. Thats why my kids won't get Social Security Income when they get older


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