And a word on: Purchasing a Pet
Ok, i have made a decision to purchase a pet, but no like a dog or something, i want something that can be a mate as well, sit back with etc. Well i thought of the perfect pet, a helper monkey. i got the idea from this website:, they train monkeys for the disabled, but all i have to do is go steal a trainined monkey from the business, i mean its not like they can chase me, assuming there staff are all in wheelchairs as well, which is highly unlikely...
anyway, been thinking of names for the little fella, but i think im going to go with Craig, maybe Brett, but has to be some Aussie name.
think of the possibilities of owning a helper monkey, its fucking genious, im going to take him in town and he get my drinks, and pick out ladies to say hello to. im going to teach him to talk as well, and he is going to wear a nappy. Man im going to get so lazy, he is going to feed me, bath me, dress me, tuck me in bed at night and hopefully read me a ned time story. rar ri rarr rroor rarr arir ahaha aarrhgh ahrrhghg